issue 8.1


Esperando al Puerto: Waiting at the Door of Kinship, Gender,
and Performance
Elizabeth Bell

Abstract and Brief Chronicles: Creative and Critical Curation of Performance    [pdf]
An Anecdote from the Archive
Justin Hopkins

(Artist Pages)

Leftovers: Performing Gleaning   [pdf]
Brianne Waychoff

(Performance and Pedagogy)

Fascism & the Classroom    [pdf]
George F. McHendry, Jr.

(The City)

A Machine to See With (and Reflect Upon): Interview with Blast Theory
Artists Matt Adams and Nick Tandavanitj
   [html, video & pdf]
Marcos Pereira Dias

(Book Review)

Queen of the Virgins: Pagaentry and Black Womanhood in the Carribean (by M. Cynthia Oliver)    [html]
reviewed by Kim Higgs

<notes on contributors>

» Elizabeth Bell is professor and chair of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, and professor of Communication, at the University of South Florida.

» Blast Theory's leading artists are Matt Adams, Nick Tandavanitj, and Ju Row Farr. Blast Theory is renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using interactive media, creating groundbreaking new forms of performance and interactive art that mixes audiences across the internet, live performance and digital broadcasting. The group’s work explores interactivity and the social and political aspects of technology. It confronts a media saturated world in which popular culture rules, using performance, installation, video, mobile and online technologies to ask questions about the ideologies present in the information that envelops us.

» Marcos Pereira Dias is a Ph.D. candidate and lecturer in the School of Culture and Communication in the University of Melbourne, Australia. His current research investigates emerging forms of social interaction and the participant's experience in digital performances in networked public spaces. His work is supported by the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES), and he is currently on a one-year exchange with Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland where he is based in the Telecommunications Research Centre (CTVR).

» Kim Higgs, PhD, Lecturer, Communication at the University of North Dakota, instructs public speaking. She also is an academic advisor for aviation students in the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace, Department of Aviation, University of North Dakota.

» Justin B. Hopkins teaches English and serves as Assistant Director of the Writing Center at Franklin and Marshall College (PA). He holds an Erasmus Mundus MA in International Performance Research from the Universities of Warwick, England, and Tampere, Finland. Justin’s production reviews have appeared in Shakespeare Bulletin, and he has appeared in several Shakespeare plays—most recently as Malvolio in Twelfth Night.

» George F. McHendry, Jr. is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. His research works at the intersections of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, contemporary rhetorical theory, critical/cultural studies, and performance studies.

» Brianne Waychoff is Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Theatre at St. John's University and Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at City University of New York, Bronx Community College. Her research focuses on the relationships between philosophy and performance, especially devised performance, and how bringing the two together produces insights about composition and representational form, especially in relation to gender. Leftovers was originally presented as part of the 2009/10 HopKins BlackBox Season at Louisiana State University and was performed at the National Communication Association annual convention in 2010.

Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies (issn: 1557-2935)

editor: Michael LeVan (University of South Florida)
the city editor: Daniel Makagon (DePaul University)
digital horizons editors: Craig Gingrich-Philbrook (Southern Illinois University) and Daniel (Jake) Simmons
   (Angelo State University)
performance & pedagogy editor: Keith Nainby (California State University Stanislaus)

banner photo/design ("Watchers") by Michael LeVan

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