The Body in the Academic Writing Genre: Gendering, Colonizing, and Ableism
essay/installation by Bailey Anderson, with coding by Tommy Rhodes

Introduction: This is an iterative interdisciplinary project which uses language as a cipher for the lived experience of disability and offers the idea of dyslexia as an aesthetic choice. This work is intended to merge form and content and integrate disability aesthetics with technology while exploring digital dance choreography and research. The coding of the web page will randomly rearrange letters within the text and replace words where specified. Letters will rearrange more quickly the longer a user is on the page, and will begin at a faster rate when viewed at evening. The work explores the edge of being more and less accessible through the coding, use of Comic Sans font, and being a digital medium. The timing and durational components artistically mimic some dyslexics' difficulty reading at different times of day and seeks to illustrate the fluid rather than static nature of dyslexia and the body.

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Tommy Rhodes is a computer scientist with a BS from Davidson College, and is interested in the intersection of technology and social issues. In addition to his work as a developer for web design companies, he is also a photographer.

Bailey Anderson is a somatically informed teacher, interdisciplinary artist, and scholar. She received her MFA in Dance from CU Boulder where she studied disability at the intersection of pedagogy, performance, and feminist theory. Her current process centers around the diverse experiences and knowledge that come from disability and how disability can intersect intersectionally with other ways of knowing. She is currently the Artistic Director of the Halestone Foundation and serves as an associate editor for PARtake: The Journal of Practice as Research.

Creative Commons License
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.