issue 7.3
(contributions in this issue attend variously to performance and affect)

(page updated April 2024)


Re-Constructing Asianness in Australia: Yumi Umiumare, Owen Leong, and the Remobilization of Monstrosity    [pdf]
Bree Hadley

On Recording Performance; Or, Speech, the Cry, and the Anxiety of the Fix    [pdf]
Joshua Gunn

A Personal History of Desire in Porn and Hip-hop   [pdf— removed April 2024]
Aaron Sachs

(Artist Pages)

Movement Maps    [3 collections]
Cara Spooner

(The City)

"It's a jungle out there. You need to stick together": Anti-institutionalism, Alcohol and Performed Masculinities among Polish Homeless Men in London   [pdf]
Michał P. Garapich

(Book Reviews)

Play, Creativity, and Social Movements: If I Can't Dance It Is Not My Revolution (by Benjamin Shepard)    [html]
reviewed by Carmen L. McClish

Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Autoethnography (by Tami Spry)
and Leaning: A Poetics of Personal Relations (by Ronald J. Pelias)
reviewed by Tony E. Adams

<notes on contributors>

» Tony E. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Theatre at Northeastern Illinois University. He studies and teaches about interpersonal and family communication, qualitative research, communication theory, and sex, gender, and sexuality. He is the author of Narrating the Closet: An Autoethnography of Same-Sex Attraction (Left Coast Press).

» Michał P. Garapich is a social anthropologist and a Research Fellow at CRONEM (Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism) at University of Roehampton (UK) specializing in the issues of migration, ethnicity, nationalism, multiculturalism, substance misuse, street culture and history of migration from Poland. At the moment his work focuses on homelessness, poverty, alcohol consumption and Eastern Europeans' perception of state and civil society institutions in Great Britain.

» Joshua Gunn is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches and conducts research in the areas of cultural, media, and rhetorical studies. He is the author of Modern Occult Rhetoric: Mass Media and the Drama of Secrecy in the Twentieth Century (University of Alabama, 2005). He is currently writing a book about the use of recorded human speech in the collective mourning rituals and performances of our time. He also bakes pies.

» Bree Hadley is Senior Lecturer in Performance Studies at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Her research investigates the construction of identity in contemporary performance, concentrating on the way artists marked by gender, race or (dis)ability mobilize images and media from the public sphere to subvert stereotypes. She has a particular interest in practices that position spectators as co-performers, the performativity of spectatorship, and the efficacy and ethics of such co-performances.

» Carmen L. McClish is a Lecturer in the Department of Liberal Arts at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Her research interests include cultural studies, and performance studies. Dr. McClish specifically explores the relationship of play as a communication tactic and the possibilities offered by nebulous forms of social engagement. She is currently writing a book, Playing Democracy: Urban Tricksters, Rebel Clowns, and the Unruly Mob. Contact her at:

» Aaron Sachs is Assistant Professor of Media Technologies and Culture at St. Mary's College of California and the Chair of the Board of Directors for COLAGE, the only national youth driven movement for people with LGBTQ parents. His work focuses on the intersection of media and culture with a particular emphasis on the study of hip-hop and identity categories like race, gender, sexuality, and class.

» Cara Spooner is an artist, dancer, choreographer, designer and curator. She has presented work in Toronto's Nuit Blanche, XPACE Cultural Centre, The Harbourfront Centre's HATCH Emerging Performance Project, Pleasure Dome, The Art Gallery of Mississauga, The Festival of New Dance in St. John's, Newfoundland, and Stromereien 11 in Zürich, Switzerland. Her interest in site-specific work and subjective mapping has led her to create interventionist, installation-based performances which have been performed in abandoned factories, alley ways, parks, libraries, private homes and public eating establishments. She lives in Toronto. For more about Spooner and her work, visit her website.

Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies (issn: 1557-2935)

editor: Michael LeVan (University of South Florida)
the city editor: Daniel Makagon (DePaul University)
digital horizons editors: Craig Gingrich-Philbrook (Southern Illinois University) and Daniel (Jake) Simmons (Angelo State University)
performance & pedagogy editor: Keith Nainby (California State University Stanislaus)
editorial assistant: David Steinweg (University of South Florida)

banner photo ("Rinds, Machu Picchu") by Naida Zukic
banner design ("Lemonalities") by Michael LeVan

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Unless noted otherwise, all works in this issue are licensed under a
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