Listening to a Tram: Sonic Assemblages and Auditory Horizons on Helsinki Public Transportation
Jouni Järvinen and Elizabeth Whitney

Listening to a Tram: Sonic Assemblages and Auditory Horizons on Helsinki Public Transportation    [essay/pdf]

The three audio files below accompany the essay and are referenced in the text.

1. Tram [runtime: 09:10]

2. Metro [runtime: 02:46]

3. Bus [runtime: 02:53]

» Jouni Järvinen is a University Lecturer at University of Helsinki. His scholarly interests are broadly situated within fields of cultural studies, sound studies, and Central European Studies. He teaches courses in sensory methodology, musical resistance, and he also supervises postgraduate and doctoral students. His current research focuses on cultural readings of sonic phenomena and sonic interactions between human and non-human agents.

» Elizabeth Whitney is a Professor in the City University of New York, Borough of Manhattan Community College in the Department of Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts. She was recently awarded the title of dosentti (affiliated faculty) in Area and Cultural Studies at University of Helsinki. She uses creative methodologies as a means of public engagement and the practical application of performance theory.

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