» download commentary and analysis by Patrick Santoro [pdf]
The media files below are excerpts from the show and are referenced in the text.

The Architect in front of the Underworld diorama projection.
Audio of the Underworld Architect scene [runtime: 01:32]

The Celebrant raises her martini glass while cracking a joke.
Audio of The Celebrant scene [runtime: 02:05]

The Inferno diorama in oversaturated black and red.
Audio of The Inferno Architect scene [runtime: 01:07]

The Questioner pauses in her cross examination to reflect on her own potential culpability. She stands in front of a white box labeled "Death, Rhetoric, and Misc Files."
Audio of The Questioner scene [runtime: 01:11]

The Garage diorama in white and silver.
Audio of Tornado scene [runtime: 01:47]

You stand in front of the Stage diorama projection holding the Architect's mask