Day One: for our cyber participants

Dear Participants,

Thank you for going on this journey with us. As the symposium people are converging on Ann Arbor, here is our first gift for you. Whenever we work on Anarcha, we have felt the need to think of places of healing, rescue, of being well, paying attention to small things, nourishing and being nourished: to move from the shack to the garden.

In the morning, look at a garden – your garden, the park you are passing on the way to work, a public square, or a garden you can only see in your mind’s eye. Tell us something about that garden about the growth you see in it, about spring coming, about life returning. Look at a plant – what does it smell, taste, feel, look and sound like?

Write (or whatever your practice) for ten minutes, prose, poetry, dialogue, dance, song, whatever flows, and share what you wrote or created with us!

We shall look forward to receiving it, and making it part of our conversations and performances.

Best, Petra

Now, where will you go from here?