You, like
Belinda Barnet (2002), were already convinced of the Òneed to locate and open
points for political interventionÓ through hypertext. And, unlike Belinda (the
self-declared party pooper of this excited rush), you felt blue-skied about the
ability for users of hypertext to Òleap tall hierarchies at the blink of
phosphorÓ (Barnet, 2002: 25). Perhaps the cynics of hypertext theory (you?)
were seeing this communication technology as something it was not. When your
ideas were put in conversation with Stuart Moulthrop (1997) [ÒCommon
theoretical approaches [envisioned] hypertext as embodying the iconoclastic
radicalism of the post-structuralists. There [was] something both familiar and irresponsible about
all of thisÓ], you felt strangely guilty, and knew not why.