Mary: What about prison images? Like, paintings that depict either elements of [Jim - yeah] prison life [Jim - yeah] or imagery, how do those do?

Jim: As long as they have Angola on ‘em, they--they sell pretty good. I’m a give ya an example of prison stuff--I had a painting that I tried to sell for three years, and it wouldn’t sell, and a friend of mine said, “Put a sign”--it, it was a road, it was a rural scene with a--with a road and a overpass. He said, “Put a sign right there says ‘Angola, twenty-two miles.’” And I put Angola is twenty-two miles on it, little sign, that’s all I did, and sold it the first day I set it out. You know, ooh! It’s got Angola on it. And they just like that. People just like to buy Angola. If--if it’s got Angola written on it, it seems to sell.