Author's Biography and Contact Information

Image of Author taken by
Nathan Gabriel

Keith Dorwick, professor of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and editor of the online journal Technoculture, is interested in the issues raised by queer studies; drama; children's literature and media; and rhetoric. These appear as plays in various venues, video/audio installations, paintings and other 2D work, as well as critical articles and reviews in journals such as Computers and Composition, The Journal of Bisexuality, CCCC Online, Harlot and has book chapters in edited collections.

Of his writing, he notes:

Generally, I often write in a place that is somewhere between the creative non-fiction essay as seen, say, in Harper's, and the standard academic essay. That's because I'm writing for a cross-over audience and that's one thing I love about online publishing. Any online journal such as Liminalities or Technoculture is going to have a wider audience at least potentially than almost any academic print journal, just because of the nature of the internet.

Contact Information:

Dr. Keith Dorwick
Associate Professor of English
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette
P.O. Box 44691
Lafayette, LA 70503
kdorwick @ gmail dot com

Credit: Photo by Nathan Gabriel, ©2013, used by permission.